A recent survey by the UK government found that 79% of men in the UK would want their baby breastfed. In the UK though only around two thirds of women actually breastfeed at all and the number in the US is just higher at around 70% nationally.

It’s understandable that the woman can get sore nipples and other breastfeeding complications but I wonder if women are aware of the enormous health benefits that are associated with breastfeeding for both mother and child, or do they just use the free pack of formula given them by clever advertising executives and never try?

The survey found that 9 out of 10 women didn’t realise that breastfeeding for just one month would have a lasting impact on health for the first 14 years of a child’s life and a third didn’t realise that there were still health benefits if combining formula with breastfeeding.

Just some of the recognised health benefits are:-

1. Reduced risk of osteoporosis and ovarian cancer for mom

2. Human milk provides antibodies for the baby for protection on a number of diseases.

3. Babies fed on formula have higher rates of middle ear infection, stomach flu and pneumonia

4. Breastfeeding your baby can help the mother lose weight!

5. Babies that are breastfed have lower levels of infant obesity

There are a significant number of real benefits to both mother and baby and you really should find out if you can breastfeed – it isn’t right for everyone but your health and your babies is generally improved by breastfeeding.

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Find out loads of information for free about breastfeeding at http://www.notjustbasics.com/breastfeed

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ron_Wood

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